Monday, May 18, 2009

Your eyes don't deceive you

Yes. That is a plate-sized doughnut you're looking at. It's easily 600 calories of glazed goodness. Make sure you bring a friend and a gallon of milk before you embark on this adventure. Now, I need to say that this isn't the best doughnut I've ever eaten. The glaze-to-dough ratio was lower than a normal-sized doughnut.

But it was good, and I'd do it again.

So where can you buy this monstrosity for $1.49? At Bowman's. That's 326 N. Main in Kaysville. Here's what it looks like thanks to Google Street view:

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My goal here is to induce insane calorie consumption and weight gain. So please let me know when you jump on the bandwagon and eat the doughnut as big as your face.

1 comment:

Eglefino said...

That looks delicious. But I am a bit concerned about the glaze-to-doughnut ratio. I need the glazy goodness.